Jesus paid our sin-debt in full. At His death, God the Father placed all the sins of mankind – past, present, and future upon Him. His painful death provides for our gift of salvation and it is by the gift of God’s grace whereby He forgives our sins. The Old Testament records how God’s faithful people sacrificed animals on His altar in atonement for their sins. These blood sacrifices would later be replaced by the supreme sacrifice by the One called Jesus Christ, whom John the Baptist referred to as the Lamb of God. Jesus sacrificed His life by dying on the cross as a substitute for us. We are then eternally secure in the Holy Spirit, and our fate is sealed with Christ for all eternity. We have salvation by God’s grace not by any good works or our good behavior. Just because we religiously go to church every Sunday or we give of our tithes and offerings or even that we preach from a pulpit does not guarantee our salvation. (Ephesians 2:4, 5) speaks of how we we...
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." -- Helen Keller