Our Lord, Jesus Christ loves you! No matter where you live, or what part of the world you live in, Jesus Christ wants to be (your) personal Savior; and He loves you without measure. He is not a God restricted to any one people or nation, but a universal King of Glory! He will reside in your heart if you will accept Him and invite Him in (Revelation 3:20.)
To know Jesus and to receive His salvation for your eternal life all you need to do is believe in Him and ask Him to be your personal Savior. You are His temple, so where there is no church building or structure you can still worship Him and find refuge in Him. His Word (Holy Bible) is the foundational law for this planet earth and all nations, all governments, and for all people.
Here is a simple prayer that will establish Him with you; and you with Him, no matter where you live in this world:
“Dear Jesus, I invite you now to come into my heart; be my personal Savior. I believe you are the Son of God of heaven and earth; that you came to this earth to save me from my sins. You were born of a virgin; I believe you died upon a cross; You arose from death on the third day; You ascended into heaven and sit at the right hand of our Father God. I confess my sins to You and ask now for your forgiveness. Be my Lord and Savior for now and forevermore. Amen.”
As a Christian, I believe if you say this prayer believing in all that you claim and promise you are now saved by the grace and mercy of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ. Congratulations, and welcome to an ever increasing world of believers in Jesus!
Now, establish yourself in a good Bible-based church and experience all the kingdom of God has for you.
Now, establish yourself in a good Bible-based church and experience all the kingdom of God has for you.