Today, this is an addition to my blog message. This is short, real short. One I feel the Holy Spirit is giving me to express to all my faithful readers, for this moment (Thursday, January 5, 2012, 6:02 AM.) So, I feel this is special!
How easy it is for me, for all of us, to plunge through life doing what we do each day, and to not stop frequently, or as often as we could, to acknowledge the love of our Lord Jesus! We were not created to be ignored by Him or to be cast away as some less-than-meaningful -toy of His on this earth! Absolutely not!
You and I are very special; make that (extra) very special to Him. Each and every day we are carefully considered by Him, loved without measure, and He is always thinking of us. His desire for us is to always be happy, healthy and satisfied in Him.
His Holy Spirit says; “Stop whatever you are doing right now, and consider who loves you, who truly cares for your well-being, and is waiting and wanting to have this awesome relationship with you.”
I hope this message speaks as strongly to you as it has me. We love you Jesus!