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I Wish I Hadn't Said That

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12).

Be slow to anger and quick to understand and you will know peace.

Have you ever reacted to a situation only later to find out it wasn’t exactly what you thought it was? Maybe you responded in a negative or hurtful way towards someone or something only to wish you could retract what you said or did? I have!

Last summer, during our extremely hot weather, I allowed our two sweet little dogs to run and have fun here on our place in the country. They love to be unleashed and run after all the rabbits and squirrels. It was way too hot and humid that day and I had a problem getting them to come back when I whistled for them. Finally, they did come with their little tongues hanging out panting rapidly with dry mouths and eyes nearly bulging. I was irritated because they didn’t come when I called them. I scolded them harshly. I got annoyed and commanded them to “get in the truck!” since I was waiting for them to go with me into town. Then I noticed they couldn’t. They were so weak and dehydrated from the heat and all their exertion they stumbled and nearly fell in their tracks! I was expecting them to respond to what I wanted them to do and they physically couldn’t! I quickly picked them both up and immediately got them into the house. I gave them water and put a fan blowing on them to cool them off. It took three hours for them to recover! I felt horrible!

The Holy Spirit spoke to me, instructing me to write about this event with my dogs as it was a lesson about how we all can sometimes erroneously treat other people in some hateful way! We may do so based upon some wrong impression we get about them or something they might say or do that offends us. 

We have to remember we are not always right! We are wrong sometimes. Our bias or prejudice against some other person can be physically and mentally devastating, causing them pain we could never endure ourselves!

Should we not consider how Jesus was treated by those who misjudged who He was? Or what He came to do for us? Didn’t even His friends judge Him wrongly? God forbid that we would be too quick to judge others and be like those who persecuted our Savior!

My dear friends, try to remember in your own life situations; things are not always as they seem to be! Listen carefully, and react slowly in matters of relationships. Avoid snap judgments. Jesus said in the Beatitudes; "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy" (Matthew 5:7.)

I hope my story speaks to you as I believe the Holy Spirit prompted me, and that you are able to avoid misunderstanding a friend, a relative or even a total stranger. Consider their true situation and their feelings first before you pounce on them. I hope my words bless you and help you to prosper in all your relationships.     

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