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Showing posts from May, 2012

O Lord

God almighty, who is like You? The title of this message, and the subhead, I have taken directly from (Psalm 89:8 NIV). I continue with this same verse, as it states; “You are mighty, O Lord, and Your faithfulness surrounds You.” Wow! What a beautiful Scripture this is! The psalmist, with all reverence, cries out to God recognizing just how awesome and powerful He is; and then proclaims there is not one who can compare to Him. Yet, with all His power and might, we understand God is surrounded by His faithfulness and mercy. Thank God, He alone is God. So, where are we? Well, we are in the palm of His big hand, which He opens constantly to observe how we are doing. As the Scripture says; His faithfulness surrounds Him so are we also surrounded with His faithfulness then. Our understanding of this reality should bring us great comfort, and it does! Satan is defeated in our understanding of who God is, and by our unswerving faith in what His Word reveals to us. God’s W...

What Is Selah

An ancient Hebrew musical term Not much is known about the actual meaning or usage of this term found 74 times in the Old Testament. The word Selah occurs at the end of many of the stanzas within the psalms. Scholars agree it is a musical term, but little is known as to its precise meaning. There are some who say Selah comes from the word salal , which means “to lift up.” If this is correct, Selah may be an instruction to either raise the voice or to increase the instrumental volume during a musical interlude. Some suggest Selah marks an affirmation of what has just been sung – much like we say Amen at the end of our prayers. Our praise-worship of God should be filled with many Selahs – the raising of our voices, the accentuation of what we sing from our hearts. We want to worship Him with enthusiasm, with fervor, He is worthy of our praise! If you have ever sung in a church choir, or stood before a church congregation you may recall observing all the sad, s...

Our Soverign Lord

He is preeminent above all things Our Father God has ownership over us, the world and all things outside our world. The apostle Paul declared He is; “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:6).     Considering God is all powerful we may tend to fear Him like a child would fear a powerful father. However, God is not fallible as an earthly father. He is a loving God, a good God, and He is just. In every way He is perfect! “His love for us endures forever” as the words to a contemporary praise song say. “But God , who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)” (Ephesians 2:4, 5). Ho! Even though we aren’t worthy because He is, we must give Him all our praise and worship!

Prayer and Intercession

It’s not about coming to church to pray Intercession isn’t meeting with your prayer group either. What exactly is an intercessor ? You know you are a true intercessor when righteousness is birthed in you to the point that you can no longer operate in the flesh. You become a covenant partner in the work of Christ. You are an intercessor when the errands of your day are interrupted by the Lord to pray for someone. At that divinely appointed moment you must have the power of God already in you; you are the temple of prayer, and dropping everything to run to the church isn’t an option. When His anointing pours over you as His intercessor you must be ready to pray for that person then and there! As His intercessor you are on duty 24/7, it’s not a job of convenience where you punch in at 9 and out at 5. It’s not even a minimum wage position. Sorry, no check on payday for you. Just watch when the church announces a special choir program or that a popular guest speaker is ...

Kinds Of Healing

Recognizing the five kinds of healing God’s healing involves every part of our human makeup: (1) spirit, (2) soul , (3) body , and (4) relationships . In addition to these there is our need for (5) deliverance from the (a) things, (b) attitudes, (c) behavior patterns, and (d) demonic influences that keep our lives in bondage to that which can destroy us. All of these, I believe are in part what Jesus spoke of when He read from the book of Isaiah before the elders in the synagogue that Sabbath day in Nazareth (Luke 4:18). Here is the part of that scripture from (Isaiah 61:1) where I believe He was referring to the destructive bondage I just mentioned above. Jesus said; “…He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind.” Certainly, we can become brokenhearted , be trapped like captives by our emotional state, and lastly, we can become blind to God’s will for us to be healed. Jesus came to heal ...

The Good News!

  Christ died for us while we were yet sinners Hear the good news! We have the love of our God even though there is nothing we have done, or could ever do to earn His love. He simply loves us because He created us as His own, and we are all in His exact image. We are His children , and He is our heavenly Father. We can even call Him “daddy” or Abba. Our Father is never far away, He is always here with us, to watch over us, and to direct our little footsteps. We are blessed by Him every day of our lives even though we may not be aware of His constant, reassuring hand upon our shoulders. When I was a child my earthly father was always busy just trying to earn a living for his family. He got home late many times and worked on Saturdays a lot to earn enough money to keep my mom, my little brother and me in a nice home, with food on the table, and clothes on our back. I appreciate all he did for us. He was a good father and a good man. I don’t feel like I knew him very...