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You Can Quit

Addiction is not just a chemical dependency

Having an addiction doesn’t have to be a physiological dependency on chemical substances. Simply defined, an addiction is any habitual occupation or involvement in any behavior or appetite that controls you. A person can become addicted to food, sex, gambling, smoking, work and many other things, and when they do these addictions must be dealt with like any other addictions.

So, how can we regain control over our life from some addiction? Our first step is to turn over control of our life to Jesus Christ. Once we do this we have the Holy Spirit living within us giving us strength and victory over our sinful behaviors. We can only have victory over sin through a personal relationship with Jesus.

Any addiction that robs a person of self-control is a problem of the whole person – spiritual, emotional, physical and social. Addictions begin by our seeking relief from the pain, pressure, or some void in our daily lives. That hunger for whatever we use to resolve our problem and provide our temporary comfort will never resolve our issues, or help us deal with life and its trials. Our inadequacies, faults and problems only become intensified by our addictive behavior. That good person we once were can change into someone even we don’t recognize. It can be real scary.

Addictions cause a person to blame others or blame a circumstance, to deny they have a problem. This denial leads to deviousness and dishonesty which is required to cover up the addiction. Admitting you have a problem is your first giant step to overcoming any addiction. Confessing that problem to God comes next. Help is then on the way.

God’s plan for recovery is fair. In [Ezekial 18:30-32] the Lord says, “Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin. Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies.” God’s plan is to prosper you not harm you [Jeremiah 29:11].

The first step in overcoming any addiction is to admit you have a problem and be willing to accept help. When you do this you are taking responsibility for your actions admitting you are not capable of dealing with your addiction alone and that you need help. For Christians, confession and repentance are critical for taking responsibility for problems. Confess the problem to God then ask your pastor or a mature believer in Christ for help.

You will be successful! You can quit your addiction.

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