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Remember Church On The Lake?

Do you remember when Church-on-the-Lake was "on the lake" -- Lake Livingston, Texas? I guess it was around ten years ago, our church, COTL (was) actually on the lake! It was near the little town of Blanchard, next door to a boat marina. Inside the small church building, the sanctuary had large windows that faced the open waters of the beautiful Lake Livingston. And, outside on the water, fishermen in their sleek, super-fast, bass boats launched down the boat ramp -- jet-skiers and party boats loaded with bronze skin fun-seekers in tiny bikinis also slipped into the water! When our pastor (Ed Jennings) back then, would get up to preach, with this wild panorama behind him, it was hard to focus on his sermon message! Some how we managed though to hear "the Word" and still feel like we had been to church.

The folks at Church-on-the-Lake, even back then, were some of the most friendly people you would ever want to meet. Now today, in our bigger, new building located on busy Hwy. 190, in Livingston, Texas, our members are still those great, family-friendly kind of people you always want to meet in God's house. Unfortunately, recent Covid-19 virus pandemic has made us stay at home and watch Wednesday evening and Sunday services on our phones, casted to our tv's. It kind of works! But we miss all the hand-shaking and warm, friendly hugs.

Our pastor now, Mike Hooper and his precious wife Liz spiritually lead us all, visitors and members alike, in hearing the remarkable gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ. We love them dearly!

Church-on-the-Lake is on the move. We are growing as more and more people discover that this is "home." Come, see for yourself, as we come out of the social distancing rules, and we get to return to this awesome house of God.

God loves you and so does COTL.


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