“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death ” (Proverbs 14:12). Be slow to anger and quick to understand and you will know peace . Have you ever reacted to a situation only later to find out it wasn’t exactly what you thought it was? Maybe you responded in a negative or hurtful way towards someone or something only to wish you could retract what you said or did? I have! Last summer, during our extremely hot weather, I allowed our two sweet little dogs to run and have fun here on our place in the country. They love to be unleashed and run after all the rabbits and squirrels. It was way too hot and humid that day and I had a problem getting them to come back when I whistled for them. Finally, they did come with their little tongues hanging out panting rapidly with dry mouths and eyes nearly bulging. I was irritated because they didn’t come when I called them. I scolded them harshly. I got annoyed and commanded them to “get in the tr...
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." -- Helen Keller